Khatchkars - "Stone Cross"

Khatchkars - "Stone Cross"
Khatchars are everywhere in Armenia; in and around churches, on streets and roads, and out in the countryside. There are tens of thousands all over. Some characteristics of khatchars are that they are seldom symmetrical left to right or top to bottom. This symbolizes the assymetry of the world. The carved background patterns (similar to celtic knots) on many khatchkars have no beggining or end - symbolizing the eterenity of the universe. And, finally, a common practice was to break a small piece of the carving with a chisel. This symbolizes the idea that nothing on earth is perfect. Khatchkars date from at least the middle ages if not earlier. .

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Thanks for Donations

I just want to thank those folks who have donated to my fund for the Fuller Center for Housing Armenia. Again, I'm planning on going in the summer of 2012 and working for two weeks building houses in Armenia. The money I collect will go for building supplies. Many people have lived in metal containers, basements in houses with no roofs and in sheds for 15-20 years.
