Yesterday was an incredible day. I haven't scheduled much for a couple of days and it's actually not all that easy to be spontaneous. I'm so used to tight schedules that it seems wrong to not have the whole day planned out. But surprises come up when the planning goes out the door. I spent the morning walking around, changing money and buying a few food items.
I had been invited to join the Fuller Center for Housing staff for lunch. I assumed that we would go out to a restaurant. Instead one of the staff members cooked a beautiful lunch of cheese, pasta, bread, salad and a chicken mushroom fry. The meal was followed by the absolute best watermelon and honeydew melon I have ever had in my life. Gohar, my friend at the Center, explained that all the fruit and vegetables are grown very close nearby and without chemicals, fertilizers etc. Absolutely fabulous.
I told Gohar that my international cell phone was being very difficult to operate (presumably operator error). She found a spare cell phone they had, lent it to me for the month and we went and bought time on the SIM card. All very easy. Oh yes, and they picked me up at the airport on Thursday and wouldn't accept any money.
In the evening, Holger Brune, a very fine person I met who is from Germany, and I walked up the Cascad. I thought I was pretty tired with all the walking, but he hadn't seen the Cascad. So off we went. I mentioned to him that I ran the Cascad some mornings when I was here before. He said, "Well, let's do it!" We managed to get about 1/4 of the way before stopping absolutely out of gas and sucking air... :-) He is a professional photographer and took some great pics which he will send to me.
That evening, we went to Mer Guyg (Our Village) cafe right next door to our apartment and featuring authentic Armenian music. Much to my surprise, the two singers, Edgar and Nazeli whom I remembered from 5 years ago, were still there. And - FOR INGRID - Kato Kachatryan was there playing dohl. I didn't talk with him but maybe I will another night. I started requesting songs and they obliged and I can't tell you how that warmed my heart as I sang along. Holger had tears in his eyes on some songs - though he didn't understand the words,he got the sentiment. I told him that his wife was lucky to have such a sensitive man as a partner.
So today I'm on my own. Holger left for the south of Armenia. The couple from Holland and the couple from Poland have left. I'm heading over to the Vernissage - a huge outdoor art and craft and clothing market that occurs on weekends. Other than that and looking for a haircut - I'm just walking around seeing what adventure will pop its head out.
Tomorrow off to Tatev Monastery/Fortress, Khndsorev Village, the Devil's bridge and a ride on the longest and highest cable/tram car in the world that goes up to Tatev. More to follow.
Aram Katchaturian - Composer
Armenian Assembly Building
We miss you a bunch ... and I miss you most of all! Glad you are having such a good time .. as I knew you would. Remember to hug your pillow and think of me!! Love you ~K
Heard of ur trip today from sue at dave's wedding! Will follow alng, love ur pics and notes. Agree, kristina is incredible, your at -home anchor. Do good, do well, enjoy!
U r our ambassador...
Love, Helene and danny
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